The last weeks have been horrendous for a lot of families all over Australia. It is heart-warming to know that so many quilters are busy making quilts to send to the flood and fire affected areas. JanMac (of the Scquilters group) is assisting the co-ordinated delivery of quilts to Victoria so they can be given when the community feel it is the best time. You can see her blog at
http://ozcomfortqui lts.blogspot. com .
A lot of groups in Tasmania are also busy making quilts. Unique Stitches (from Launceston) have made 15 already and are busy making more .... I have been able to get some half priced batting from MiniJumbuk in South Australia and I will be busy quilting these quilts over the next few weeks in between customer quilts and then they will need to be bound. If anyone is interested in donating already made binding cut at 2.5inch wide (doesn't matter what colour - as they can be matched up to a quilt) it would be very much appreciated. If you can help with either backing fabric or binding fabric please contact me on email It is wonderful to see Australia pulling together at such a time.
Make a quilt and give someone a hug! Jane