Well, I haven't posted for a few days now - been waiting for my machine....it shipped on Friday...so I am expecting it to be sailing across the Tasman early next week and should be here sometime soon. I am at the OMG stage where I cannot wait to get it but then I think - what am I doing!
I have been reading books and watching DVD's on machine quilting - Karen McTavish, Lee Cleeland (her feathers book is fantastic and I have been practicing these for a few months now - on paper, Lee's book The Quilting Makes The Quilt, which I received last week, is great!). Also Carol Thelen's books on long arming; Tempting Templates - Swags by Tracey Browning (thanks Tracey - this is very interesting as I hadn't given much thought to Swags - but they are nice!) also Floribunda by Nichole Webb and many more books (did I say I loved books!).
What these books have taught me is that "you can do anything you like" and to practice, have patience and utilise perseverance! I have also been doing a lot of visual learning from looking at different ways quilts are quilted - both in magazines and online - infinite options!!
There are just so many different things a person can do.....and so little time.
Anyway - hopefully my next post will be - It's Arrived!!!!
Cheers for now